Kate started in July (yes... I'm "just" 4 months late...) a Stay at Home Round Robin: every person works on a Round Robin, but the quilt don't trip around the group... it just stay at home. It seems a happy mix between a RoundRobin and a Mistery, and I has been fascinated by the moment I see it... but I saw it a week ago and there was already 4 round done! I thought I was too late, but then...
Yesterday in Italy was a very rainy day (well, in Northern Italy was... in South-Center was sunny, lucky they!), a perfect day for a patchwork session, so I decided to give a try and started to work on the Stay-at-Home-RR...
Kate has been so kind to accept my submission and now... here I am!
First Round: a 6" square (finished). I played with triangles and strips, the strips ending outside the border of the block:

Second Round: add a piece 4"x6" at the left- (or right- if you prefer) side of the first block. (Yes it has been simpler to know in advance how the development will be... forgive me...)
Third Round: add a piece 10"x3" (finished size) at the top. This time I played with circles.
Fourth Round (yeufh! I'm catching up at last!): add a piece 3x9 at the left or right of the prevoius blocks. I decided for Flying Geese: the last one I made was ages ago! As you can see, I'm having some problems with measurement, because I'm using my brand new ruler in inches... and just I can't figure out very well how to add the 1/4 for the seams... It seems so strange working with quarter and not with millimeters!
Well, that's all, for now... I'm already looking forward for the next instruction: it will be real fun!
2 commenti:
Allora io sono veramente INVIDIOSA del fatto che tu sappia l'inglese,quanto mi piacerebbe poterlo imparare.Potresti dirmi dove posso trovare il libro? e inoltre ci sono delle foto abbastanza chiare in modo da capire anche se non so la lingua? (del resto tutti i libri che ho sono stranieri)grazie per tutto
Il libro "One-Block Wonders" l'ho comprato su theBookDepository (ho aggiunto il link sul post del libro): sono molto forniti, i prezzi sono in euro (nessuna conversione di valuta da fare), sono in Europa e quindi non c'è la dogana ed inoltre non ci sono spese di spedizione. l'unico problema è che il sito è in inglese...
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