And now, in this very special occasion, I introduce you... the BAGUETTE (sort of...)!
Zorra has announced
here the 5th World Bread Day and I'm very proud to partecipate (thank you
Cindy for let me know ;) ).
And this is my little contribution for you all:
qui trovate l'originale in italiano, thanks to Adriano Continisio: Adriano, you're my baking hero :) )
250 g Manitoba flour (W300*)
250 g white flour (W250*)
315/350 g water
10 g salt
5 g yeast
At 4 p.m.
Knead 150 g of the Manitoba flour with 95 g of water in the mixer (a "heavy-duty" one, such a kenwood or a kitchenaid or similar) a vel. 1 for 5 minutes. Cover the dough.
Prepare a "biga": mix 100 g of the manitoba flour, 45 g of water, 1 g of yeast.
Let the two doughs overnight at 18°C (64°F).
At 8 a.m.
Dissolve 4 g of yeast into 100 g of lightly warm water, add 100 g of flour, cover and let rise at 26°C (79°F) for 1 1/2 hour.
Add the remaining flour, 75 g of water and mix at vel. 1 with the "leaf" (see the pics below), add the salt.
After some minutes, insert the "biga", at big chunks, and short after the other dough.
When you have a good dough, insert the hook and mix at vel. 1,5 for 3-5 minutes (until the dough will be smooth and shiny). Now, if you think necessary, insert the rest of the water (35 g), slowly.
Turn the dough on a floured surface and knead it for a couple of minutes. Cover for 45 minutes.
Fold the dough in three, as a envelope:
and let stand another 45 minutes.
Divide the dough in three and cover with a bowl (or a plastic film), let stand for 15 minutes.
Flatten very very gently the doughs in a square and then roll them up as you can see in the pics:
Form the baguette and let them rest in a floured dishcloth until doubled (60-90 minutes).
Heat the oven at 220°C with a bowl of water inside , slice the surface of the baguette with a blade and put them in the oven.
After 10 minutes remove the water and lower the temperature at 180°C
Cook for 15 minutes more and let them cool before serving.
Enjoy the World Bread Baking Day!
* the numbers represent the force of the flour, but usually you can find such information only in flours for professional use.